Over a period of 8 days a great crew of volunteers cut back brush along the trail from Frankfort to Beulah, an exhausting yet beautiful 11 mile stretch. In addition to cutting back at least 2′ from the trail, the volunteers racked and removed the brush. Bridges were cleared. overhead branches trimmed, and invasive thorn bushes cut down. In addition to a lot of sweat and a few cases of poison ivy, the end result is a beautiful stretch of trail for all to enjoy! I will be out in the next two weeks with chainsaw volunteers clearing away tree stumps and branches dangerously close to the trail.

Those who volunteered and worked their butts off over the past couple of weeks included: Dan Ruffe, Steve Radionoff, Rick O’connor, Gary Stover, Bryce Dreeszen, Anne Rodey/Gregory, Jeff Benedick, John Cassidy, Alan Penny, Tom Sentlivre, Dave Markel, Bill Skaff, Jed Maker, Bill Northway, and Dave and Julie Brewer. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention John Van Laeken who continues to do an amazing job keeping the Thompsonville to Pioneer Road section in tip top shape.

Thanks to all the amazing volunteers who help make the Betsie Valley Trail a truly pure Michigan destination!

Charlie Gregory
BVT Care Coordinator

PS If you’d like to join our trail crew or join the staff of the Friends of the Betsie Valley Trail, please go here to learn more.