Volunteer Trail Crew & Staff Descriptions

Trail Crew Positions

Trail Care Coordinator: The Trail Care Coordinator (TCC) reports to the Betsie Valley Trailway Management Council and is responsible for the upkeep of the Trail. Review a full job description along with a list of the regular maintenance activities managed by the TCC. Please note: We currently have a TCC, but we are very interested in having someone take the role of Assistant Trail Care Coordinator, not just as a back-up, but someone interested in taking over the full responsibilities in the future. 

Trail Stewards (Inspection & Reporting): In this self-guided role, as one of our Trail Stewards, you will periodically go on the Trail and report any situations that need attention to the Trail Care Coordinator. We encourage Trail Stewards to be on the Trail at least once per week. Training is provided. We have the trail divided into the following sections:

  • Frankfort to Railroad Point east of Elberta
  • RR Bridge to Crystal Lake Outlet
  • Outlet to Case Rd in Beulah
  • Case Road to Thompsonville

Trail Maintenance Crew: There is a broad range of activities required to maintain a beautiful and safe Trail — from simply walking the Trail and picking up debris, to significant work with power equipment to clear downed trees and cut back brush. The significant work is typically scheduled on an ‘as-needed’ basis. As a Trail Maintenance volunteer, you’ll receive emails from the Trail Care Coordinator indicating the date, time, location, type of work planned, and any tools or equipment needed. We don’t work in bad weather and the activity is usually no more than a couple of hours. There are opportunities for Trail Maintenance volunteers to work individually, as well as with small groups. Training is provided.

Trail Construction Crew: From time to time we build retaining walls, place signposts, and make minor repairs to the Trail and bridges. These projects are directed by the Trail Care Coordinator and are described in email notices to the volunteer list. Notices indicate if special skills are needed, like carpentry, or if particular tools are needed.

Staff Positions

Grants Manager or Grant Writer: Doing the research necessary to identify available grant monies and then applying for those grants is a position with the potential to really make a significant impact on our mission! If you have experience writing grants and want to help make a better Trail, please let us know! We are happy to have you serve on a single project or on an ongoing basis.

Outreach & Events Coordinator: Work with other staff members to create and manage various fundraising and volunteer drives throughout the year. Activities include: event planning and coordination, contacting members, purchasing supplies, and attending events. The hours needed to devote to this role vary greatly depending on what activities are happening. Some in-season weeks may require a few days to devote to an event.

Volunteer Coordinator: Work virtually with the Trail Care Coordinator to register volunteers, and to communicate and coordinate volunteers as needed and directed by the TCC. This is a critically important position we are looking to fill now. It requires no more than a couple hours of virtual work per week during the Trail season.

Communications Assistant/Intern: We’re offering Communications Internships to interested local students 16 years of age and up. This is your opportunity to help make a better Trail for our entire community and at the same time, gain valuable experience working with the knowledgeable staff of the Friends of the Trail.

Volunteer Interest Form

Volunteer Form

Check the position(s) below you are interested in:

Staff/Committee Positions:
Trail Care & Maintenance