As an active cyclist in the community, Bryce Dreeszen had often ridden the Betsie Valley Trail with the Cherry Capital Cycling Club, so when the call came offering a spot on the Board of the Friends he eagerly accepted. That initial Board position in 2010 led to becoming Treasurer for 8 years. Bryce “retired” from the Board this summer, but still volunteers as Database Manager and Bookkeeper. He also participates regularly on Trail maintenance projects.

Looking back on his 10 years of involvement, Bryce reflected on the achievements of the Friends. “I’m proudest to have been integrally involved with the signage & kiosk project which was completed in 2018, and also with establishing the Wm. R. Olsen Endowment at the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation in 2013 to provide funding for the Friends in perpetuity. The Board has also made great strides in digital communications by establishing a Facebook page, upgrading our website, and initiating a monthly e-newsletter. It’s also been a lot of fun to participate in the various fundraising activities like last year’s Derby Day party at Iron Fish Distillery, the Beerthday parties at Stormcloud Brewing, the Big Al’s Fishing Tournament at the Betsie River Campsite, the Paddling Film Fest at the Garden Theater, and the various art fairs where we’ve had displays.”

Bryce continues to bicycle and birdwatch on the Trail, and still enthusiastically promotes the Trail, “The Betsie Valley Trail offers great benefits to the community for residents and visitors for both recreation and commuting. The Trail should be viewed as a strong economic development asset which many other communities envy. We need to maintain this asset, and there are an endless number a ways people can volunteer with the Friends.”

Become a Part of the Friends of the Trail — We have the PERFECT role for you! 

All the members of Friends salute Bryce for his decade-plus of service and continued devotion to the Betsie Valley Trail. If you’d like to join Bryce and our group of dedicated volunteers, we can really use your help!

We have new staff positions we are looking to fill now, including Fund Development Director, Grant Funding, Community Outreach, Volunteer Coordinator, Communications and Social Media. There are many different ways to volunteer on the trail helping to keep the trail clean and safe — including completely self-directed jobs. We are also looking for one or two individuals to step up and take over the critical role of Trail Care Coordinator. Please go here to get the details on all the ways you can help support a better trail for our entire community!